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How to Create a Dreamscape Photo Book

fantasy like photo of a boat

One of the most exciting things as a photographer is taking the wrong picture – perhaps you lower the phone at the wrong time, resulting in a distorted perspective with incomplete exposure – and realising that the end result is actually pretty good. 

It is these abrupt, random occurrences that demonstrate how creative photography can be. Sometimes you can plan a perfectly constructed, detailed shot, only for it to be bettered by an accident. 

We think the creator of ‘dreamscape photography’ figured exactly this. When you look at dreamscape photographs, they often look like accidental offshoots of a professional photo session. Random, bizarre, and seemingly without purpose. 

But as the genre of dreamscapes has developed, dreamscape photography has gradually become more difficult – complete with its own process that requires you to do a lot more than just mess up!

If you want to try your hand at some dreamscape photography – and perhaps upload a few to our photo book maker – you’re going to need to understand a few things.  Below is our guide on creating a dreamscape photo book, complete with practical tips and some creative ideas to help you get started.  

Dream Up Your Image

The first thing you need to do as a dreamscape photographer is think – or dream – over your image. Unlike most image compositions, which take place when you get to a specific location, you should have a clear idea of what picture you want to take and how you’re going to take it. 

This could be as simple as a silhouette walking on the beach, or as complex as multiple pictures being entwined into one. Just as a surrealist wouldn’t start a painting without a clear end goal, you will need an end goal if you want to take a strong dreamscape picture with an interesting subject.

Experimentation is Key

When you’re in the right location and you have your subject, it’s time to start experimenting. Use long-exposure photography to create some ethereal effects – such as light trails or soft, flowing water – or experiment with a shallow depth of field to create a dreamy, surreal atmosphere. 

Once again, what you experiment with will depend on the kind of picture you’re looking to take – dreamscape as a genre is incredibly broad – but by and large, you should try out a number of different things, using trial and error to make the dream come to life. 

Think About What Makes a Dream

If you’re struggling to capture that ethereal quality, it’s important to think about what a dream really is. In other words, when you think of dreams, what do you picture in your head? It could be blurry surroundings or reflective surfaces, or it could be low-light, remote landscapes.

Everyone dreams a little differently, and what constitutes a dream-like image for you could be entirely unique. If it’s the former, perhaps look around for reflective surfaces like water, glass, or polished metal, and incorporate those reflections into your composition. If it’s the latter, perhaps hike around looking for an open space – using a wide aperture to isolate any subject and add a sense of mystery to it. 

Find the Right Apps

One of the most common techniques in dreamscape photography involves superimposing images on top of each other. By this we mean, many photographers create layered collages by combining multiple images and blending them, sometimes involving semi-transparent images of people or objects to create ghostly, apparition-like effects.

If you’re photographing using your smartphone, this will mean downloading a few apps – Pixlr, Photoshop, Snapseed, and Aviary are particularly useful. Try out a few of them and see which works best for you – once again, trial and error is going to be incredibly important, as it’s likely your first few attempts will be ones to forget!

Remember, There are No Rules

We said in the introduction that dreamscape photography has become a little more complex and methodical over time, but that doesn’t mean it has a strict set of rules. When you’re trying to create a dreamscape photo book, make sure you keep things loose and try new things. Play around with different angles – angles that you wouldn’t ordinarily go for – and try some new textures and subjects. 

Take some photographs at night, take some photos in the day, take inspiration from dreams and stories, and try to transport your viewers somewhere they’ve never been before. That’s what dreamscape photography is all about, after all. If you succeed in placing the viewer into a dream, then it doesn’t matter how you did it. The point is, you’ve succeeded!


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