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Birthday Gifts, Mother's Day Gifts, Father's Day Gifts and much more!

Did you know: not only does My Social Book offer Facebook and Instagram photo books and photo mosaics, but we also have a range of fun gifts for every occasion and a gift card section if you want to let the lucky person choose their own present. If you’re looking for an alternative to your usual My Social Book purchase or want to add a little extra something to your order, our canvases, tote bags and mugs are the perfect complementary gift.

If you don’t have time to create a photo book (it only takes seconds!), our range make great last-minute gifts and are just as thoughtful. Get them a gift that reflects their personality or something that communicates just how much they mean to you.

Whether you need a decorative item or are looking for something practical yet stylish that they will use again and again, there are plenty of designs and styles to pick from. Each design is available as a mug, tote bag or on a canvas so you can choose the best gift for that special occasion, and if you need something personalized, you can create your own photo mosaic gift that will turn any picture into a unique wall decor made from thousands of smaller photos.

My Social Book gifts are perfect for:

Birthdays, Thank You gifts, Graduation gifts Anniversaries, Teacher gifts, New job gifts, Housewarming gifts, Baby showers, Bachelorette party gifts, Religious celebrations such as christenings, first holy communion, bar mitzvahs...


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